Thursday, May 29, 2008

The First Letter

I got my first letter from Jed today. It really didn't say too much. The first week was a lot of paperwork and hurry up and wait as he called it. In one day he got 7 shots, which he wasn't real pleased about. Then, the next day they ran the mile. He said it was raining while they ran, but it was so nice to be outdoors and doing something. He also said that they only have time to inhale the food, so even if it tastes bad it wouldn't matter...ha! Finally, he said he was actually looking forward to getting to basic, that he knew it wouldn't be easy, but he would actually be doing something so he was hoping the time would pass faster that way. There is not an address yet because he hadn't officially shipped to basic. I'm hoping there will be one with the next letter and then I can post it for anyone to write to him.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the hard work Jed! Stay heathly & keep your wife posted on everything. Can't to see ya again.